ر.س11.20 The price includes VAT



Tee Tree:

Oil fights bacteria that cause bad breath and gingivitis.

Chamomile flower: 

perfumed the mouth, including help, contain aromatic oils to stop the pain and inflammation of the gums.

Xylitol Sugar:

Xylitol Sugar is naturally occurring sugar.

Xylitol fights tartar and carries in the mouth.


Adults and children 6 years of age or older.

use twice a day after brushing your teeth with a toothpaste.

Vigorously swish 10 milliliters of rinse between your teeth for 1 minute and then spit out.

Don’t swallow the rinse.

Don’t eat or drink for 30 minutes after rinsing.

Instruct children under 12 years of age in good rinsing habits (to minimize swallowing).

Supervise children as necessary until capable of using without supervision.


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Payment and delivery in Al Qassim: Free delivery by Safwa AL Shahd Store captains. Cash on delivery or using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

Payment and delivery for other cities in Saudi Arabia: Paid delivery is available all-over Saudi Arabia with a delivering fee of 35 riyals through SMSA. Payments are made online only using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

مضمضة ميرافريش

ر.س11.20 The price includes VAT



شجرة الشاي:

زيت شجرة الشاي يحارب البكتيريا التي تسبب رائحة الفم الكريهة والتهاب اللثة.

زهرة البابونج:

زهرة البابونج معطر الفم ، بما في ذلك مساعدة ، تحتوي على الزيوت العطرية لوقف الألم والتهاب اللثة.

سكر إكسيليتول:

سكر إكسيليتول هو سكر طبيعي.

إكسيليتول تحارب الجير وتحمل في الفم.


يستخدم للبالغين والأطفال بعمر 6 سنوات أو أكثر.

يستتخدم مرتين في اليوم بعد تنظيف الأسنان باستخدام معجون الأسنان.

مضمض 10 ملليلتر خلال أسنانك لمدة 1 دقيقة ثم ابصقه.

لا تبتلع الشطف.

لا تأكل أو تشرب لمدة 30 دقيقة بعد الشطف.

يساعد الأطفال دون سن 12 عامًا الشطف بشكل جيد (لتقليل البلع).

الإشراف على الأطفال عند الضرورة حتى يتمكنوا من استخدامها بدون إشراف.


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Payment and delivery in Al Qassim: Free delivery by Safwa AL Shahd Store captains. Cash on delivery or using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

Payment and delivery for other cities in Saudi Arabia: Paid delivery is available all-over Saudi Arabia with a delivering fee of 35 riyals through SMSA. Payments are made online only using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).


ر.س11.20 The price includes VAT



Arbre en Té:

L’huile combat les bactéries responsables de la mauvaise haleine et de la gingivite.

Fleur de camomille:

parfumé la bouche, y compris aider, contiennent des huiles aromatiques pour arrêter la douleur et l’inflammation des gencives.

Sucre de xylitol:

Le sucre de xylitol est un sucre naturel.

Le xylitol combat le tartre et le porte dans la bouche.


Adultes et enfants de 6 ans et plus.

utilisez deux fois par jour après vous être brossé les dents avec un dentifrice.

Passez vigoureusement 10 ml de rinçage entre les dents pendant 1 minute, puis crachez.

N’avalez pas le rinçage.

Ne pas manger ni boire pendant 30 minutes après le rinçage.

Indiquez aux enfants de moins de 12 ans de bonnes habitudes de rinçage (afin de minimiser leur ingestion).

Surveillez les enfants au besoin jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient capables d’utiliser sans surveillance.


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Payment and delivery in Al Qassim: Free delivery by Safwa AL Shahd Store captains. Cash on delivery or using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

Payment and delivery for other cities in Saudi Arabia: Paid delivery is available all-over Saudi Arabia with a delivering fee of 35 riyals through SMSA. Payments are made online only using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).


ر.س11.20 The price includes VAT



Tee Ağacı:

Yağ, kötü nefes ve diş eti iltihabına neden olan bakterilerle savaşır.

Papatya çiçeği:

yardım da dahil olmak üzere ağız kokulu, dişeti ağrı ve iltihabı durdurmak için aromatik yağlar içerir.

Ksilitol şekeri:

Ksilitol Şeker doğal olarak oluşan şekerdir.

Ksilitol tartarla savaşır ve ağızda taşır.


Yetişkinler ve 6 yaşında veya daha büyük çocuklar.

Dişlerinizi bir diş macunu ile fırçaladıktan sonra günde iki kez kullanın.

1 dakika boyunca dişler arasında 10 mililitre durulayın ve tükürün.

Durulama yutmayın.

Durulamadan sonra 30 dakika boyunca yemeyin veya içmeyin.

12 yaşın altındaki çocukların iyi durulama alışkanlıklarında (yutmayı en aza indirmek için) eğitiniz.

Denetleme yapmadan kullanmaya kadar çocukları gerektiği gibi denetleyin.


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Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Payment and delivery in Al Qassim: Free delivery by Safwa AL Shahd Store captains. Cash on delivery or using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

Payment and delivery for other cities in Saudi Arabia: Paid delivery is available all-over Saudi Arabia with a delivering fee of 35 riyals through SMSA. Payments are made online only using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).